21 August 2012

The Big Balkan Trip. Through-Albania to Montenegro

When we left Kosovo, we were quite lucky, because we managed to survive the small water supplies and terrible heat and to drive through 3 countries in one day.

And Albania was one country, which we passed through not stopping more than for half an hour altogether. Once for a coffee in a side-road restaurant for drivers, where people looked at my tattoos and dreads as I'd come from another planet, but still friendly.
And second time on terrible crossroads in some industrial area, where two kids tried to beg money from us quite aggressively and one of them was holding alive rabbit by his ears and waving him around like he'd be already dead. That was it.

We were rescued by two Albanians who were living in UK for last 15 years and heard some short stories about the country. Except that we saw mountains, lakes and rivers impossibly beautiful, all from a truck window, kilometers below, impossible to reach. The evening we were already in Montenegro.

Montenegro was actually our main destination, we planned to rest there and collect energy for the last of the tour up north.

It's even hard to tell what was the biggest disappointment. Hitch hiking went somehow worse than before (although it was not really fluent from the beginning), we spent hours walking or waiting in boiling, 40 degrees heat and found all possible tourists overflowing almost every town at the coast raising prices to ridiculous level.

As a reward we found lovely, small, ex-Yugo old school camp right at the sea. We basked in the sea, diving, swimming, sun bathing, fruits and vegan dough-nuts for whole two days.

Next on the map was Bosnia.

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